Cancer Rehab
Specialty program designed to help address issues that typically develop as a result of cancer or cancer treatments.

Concussion Care
Specialty program designed to help address issues that typically develop as a result of a concussion injury. Therapist providing care have post-graduate training in concussion care within their scope of practice.

Pelvic Health
Specialty program designed to help address issues that typically develop as a result of pelvic floor dysfunction. Includes assessment and treatment for both male and female patient types. Physiotherapist or massage therapist providing this service has post-graduate training in this area which allows them to perform the controlled act of an internal digital vaginal and/or rectal examination.

Dizziness + Balance / Vestibular Rehab
Specialty program designed to help address issues that typically develop as a result of a vestibular system condition. Therapist providing care will have completed Lifemark Vestibular Rehabilitation training offered by Sheelah Woodhouse and have infrared goggle and other vestibular equipment as outlined by Sheelah Woodhouse.

Exercise Prescription
General exercise and conditioning program offered in clinic or offsite at a gym or home.

Massage Therapy
Massage therapy services provided by a registered massage therapist.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy services provided by a registered occupational therapist.

Physiotherapy treatment provided by a registered physiotherapist.

Active Release Technique (ART)
Post-graduate training completed and experience with Active Release Techniques (ART®) soft tissue treatment techniques.

Kinesiology treatment services provided by Kinesiologist registered with an association and/or College.

Neurological Rehab
Single or multi/interdisciplinary rehabilitation services supporting individuals who have sustained a neurological event or injury or are living with progressive/degenerative neurological disease. Clinicians offering this service must have clinical knowledge, experience and appropriate equipment at their facility to best serve the neurological population.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Therapist with advanced training in gentle, non-invasive manual techniques that help move extra fluid from an area that is swollen into an area where the lymph nodes are working properly.

Facial Rehabilitation
Post-graduate specialized advanced training and credentialing in facial rehabilitation assessment and treatment.

Temporomandibular Joint Rehabilitation
Assessment and treatment of issues arising from the Temporomandibular Joint. Typically clinicians will have taken post-graduate training in this area.

Amputee Rehabilitation
Interdisciplinary amputee services including pre-prosthetic management, rehabilitation and functional restoration.

Bobath/NDT (Neuro-developmental Treatment) Therapy
Post-graduate training completed and clinical experience in application of Bobath and/or Neuro-developmental Treatment (NDT) treatment techniques for patients with Central Nervous System (CNS) lesions.

Delayed Development Rehabilitation And Management
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with delayed development.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome Rehabilitation
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with Multiple Sclerosis.

Parkinson's Rehabilitation And LSVT BIG Program
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with Parkinsons.

Sensori-Motor Neuro-Rehabilitation For Learning Disabilities
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with neurological conditions related to learning disabilities.

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with spinal cord injuries.

Stroke Rehabilitation
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client who has suffered a stroke.

Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with a moderate or severe traumatic brain injury .

Treatment For Cerebral Palsy
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with Cerebral Palsy.

Treatment For Down's Syndrome And Other Congenital Syndromes
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with Down's Syndrome or other Congenital Syndromes.

Treatment For Dystonia And Abnormal Tone Issues
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with dystonia / abnormal tone issues.

Treatment For Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Clinician has the specialized skills and/or experience to assess & treat a client with Supranuclear Palsy.

Psychology treatment provided directly by a registered psychologist.

Psychotherapy treatment may be provided by any one of the following disciplines; psychologist, psychotherapist, clinical counsellor or social worker.

Pain Management
Multi-disciplinary team of professionals with advanced knowledge, understanding and experience working with patients living with persistent pain. Team consists most often of OT, PT, Kinesiologist/ET and Psychological care provider.

Functional Testing
Evaluation of an individual's level of function. More customized than an FAE, certification in a standardized protocol preferred but not required.

Functional Restoration
Function program aimed at improving an individual's physical capabilities to return to work and/or normal daily activities.

Work Conditioning/Hardening
Structured functional program aimed at improving an individual's capabilities to return to work and/or normal daily activities.

Cupping Therapy
Post-graduate training with plastic- or silicone suction cups to treat fascial, myofascial trigger points/restrictions combined with massage techniques and movements.

Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation And Recovery
Rehabilitation and recovery services provided by trained clinicians (single discipline or multi/interdisciplinary team) directed at addressing the post-acute and long term rehab needs of those affected by COVID-19 infection and/or the pandemic in general. Trained clinicians must have completed 5 training modules provided by Lifemark and keep up on evidence informed practice in this emerging area.

Comprehensive Cognitive Assessment (CBS)
A comprehensive Cognitive Assessment includes objective clinical evaluation including Cambridge Brain Science (CBS) online cognitive assessment featuring scientifically-validated cognitive tasks in addition to traditional subjective and other objective evaluations of the patient and their function.

McKenzie Method
McKenzie Method® of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy® (MDT) is a system of assessment and management for spinal and extremity musculoskeletal disorders. Clinicians trained in the MDT system are able to assess and classify all complaints of the musculoskeletal system. MDT is a comprehensive assessment and management approach based on sound and logical principles that focuses on the patient and their potential to self-manage and recover their previous level of function.

Pre/Post Natal Care
Clinician has training to provide care related to pre or post natal conditions.