Dartmouth Physiotherapy

3 Dartmouth Clinics

Click on the closest location for more in-depth explanation of treatment, coverage, and services available.

Clinic Name
Main Wellness Services
Main Wellness Services:

Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Concussion care, Exercise Prescription, Manual & Manipulative Therapy, Massage Therapy

240 Baker Dr, Suite 212
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
CA B2W 6L4
Main Wellness Services:

Acupuncture, Exercise Prescription, Manual & Manipulative Therapy, Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Active Release Technique (ART)

4 Forest Hills Parkway
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
CA B2W 5G7
Main Wellness Services:

Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Exercise Prescription, Manual & Manipulative Therapy, Massage Therapy, Occupational Therapy

51 Forest Hills Pkwy, Box 16
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
CA B2W 6C6

pt Health’s Approach to Complete Wellness | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia


What if you could address all your body’s dysfunctions whether it is muscle soreness, injury prevention, disease, mobility, and stress through the same local provider? With pt Health’s integrated health care approach patients benefit from non-invasive complementary therapies beyond physio all in a convenient, central location by trained professionals.

pt Health’s unique integrated health and wellness model puts you at the centre of care. It’s all part of our desire to deliver a more holistic approach to treatment through the science of physiotherapy, massage therapy, chiropractic, occupational health, naturopathic and more. We call this the pt Health difference and it’s what drives our healthcare providers to deliver the best possible health care to more than 3,000 patients a day at over 230+ locations throughout Canada.

pt Health Dartmouth physio clinics offer health solutions that get to the core of your discomfort, which is ultimately what good health is all about. Our team works to find the root cause of your pain in order to develop a plan for improved mobility and function you can live with. What’s more, physiotherapy and accompanying therapies are proven to increase your quality of life and lost work days, as well as improve overall well-being.

For Effective Treatment of:


Click on an injury to learn more.

Scoliosis is a spinal condition that may be either congenital (born with it) or acquired. Acquired idiopathic scoliosis refers to a lateral (side to side) curvature of the spine which may be either c-shaped (one large curve typically from low back to upper back) or s-shaped (one curve in the low back and one in the upper back). Treatment methods include using a brace, implementing exercises, or post surgical rehab. Treatment, usually in the form of exercises, can be used for both children and adults, but all treatment is most effective if started as early as possible.
We look forward to helping you recover from your work related injury. Whether you spend your day at the computer, sitting at a desk, standing or lifting, we can work with you to design a program that will help you avoid or recover from work injuries. Find out how we can help by scheduling a no obligation physiotherapy appointment today.
Sprains and strains are injuries caused by overstretching or tearing of the ligaments and tendons. Strains and sprains have similar signs and symptoms, but differ anatomically. To learn more about how we can help your strain / sprain, consider scheduling a no obligation appointment today.
Our staff works with a variety of people with different athletic and sport backgrounds to improve their overall performance and skill, and assist them with successful recovery when sports-related injuries occur. There are many types of sport related injuries. Discover how our physiotherapists can help you.
At pt Health we provide information and tools needed to successfully recover from a shoulder injury and to prevent future injuries from occurring. There are many types of shoulder injuries. To learn more about how we can help with your specific shoulder pain, schedule a no obligation physiotherapy appointment today.
Pain in the buttock that radiates down the leg is commonly called sciatica. The most common cause for sciatica is irritation of the spinal nerves in or near the lumbar spine. After evaluating your condition, our physiotherapy team will use various treatments to ease spasm and pain. Discover how we can help your sciatica pain, call or email for your no obligation appointment today.
Post operative treatment can help with recovery from numerous surgeries such as acl reconstruction, frozen shoulder, joint replacement, knee surgery, hip replacement among others. Your situation is unique. To learn more about how we can help with your post op physio, consider scheduling your no-obligation physical therapy appointment today.
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition affecting the bottom of the foot. Nonsurgical management of plantar fasciitis is successful in 90 per cent of all cases. When you begin therapy our physiotherapist will design exercises to improve flexibility in the calf muscles, achilles' tendon, and the plantar fascia. To learn more about how we can help your plantar fasciitis, consider scheduling a no obligation appointment today.
CTD is a broad health category that includes many common diseases that affect the soft tissues of your body. CTD in itself is not a disease. pt Health helps you understand your condition as well as implement the necessary rehabilitation steps that should be taken for correcting your pain and preventing injury recurrence. Get more information on how we can help you by booking a no obligation appointment.
Patients with osteoporitic bones begin losing their minerals and support capabilities, leaving the skeleton brittle and prone to fractures. The primary goals of our treatment are to educate you on proper posture, introduce safe ways of moving and lifting, and provide you with helpful exercises you can do at home to help prevent a decline in bone mass and prevent fractures. Find out how we can help you by booking a no obligation physiotherapy appointment today.
pt Health physiotherapists are experts at assessing, planning, and implementing effective exercise programs for overweight and obese individuals. Your insurance may cover some or all program costs. Discover how we can help with your specific weight loss goals. schedule a no-obligation appointment today.
Our treatment may help improve muscle strength, making every day activities important to you easier to achieve. Our approach to neurological rehab first assesses how your muscles are functioning and then we devise a structured rehabilitation program centred around you and your needs. Call or email us today to learn more.
Nonsurgical therapy can optimize the health of your neck and in some cases, prolong the need for surgery. Our physiotherapy programs are often prescribed for 2 to 5 weeks for patients with neck pain, although your recovery time may vary. Our therapy sessions are designed to help ease pain and to improve your mobility, strength, posture, and function. To learn more about how we can help your specific neck injury, consider scheduling a no obligation physio appointment today.
The knee is a sensitive area of your body and one that is prone to injury doing almost any activity. When you begin a pt Health knee physiotherapy program, our initial treatments will focus on decreasing pain and swelling in your affected knee. Our rehab team may begin range-of-motion exercises, with the goal of helping you swiftly regain full movement in your knee. This may include the use of rotation movements, gentle stretching, and careful pressure applied to the knee. We may also give you exercises to improve the strength of your hamstring and quadriceps muscles. As your symptoms ease and strength improves, we may also provide specialized exercises to improve knee stability. Learn more about how we can help. Book your physio appointment today.
A hip injury is one of the most serious injuries a person can suffer through and one that can lead to long-term health problems if not addressed correctly or inevitably prevented. Your pt Health physiotherapist will work with you to regain the stability needed in the hip for balance and walking. Find out how we can help your unique injury, consider booking a no-obligation appointment today.
The foot can be the home of many problems, all of them uncomfortable and tough to deal with. We help treat stress fractures, pulled muscles, torn ligaments and more. Each foot injury is unique. To learn more about how we can help your unique injury, call pt Health physiotherapy today.
Aerobic exercise can be helpful in reducing muscle pain and tenderness. Heat and massage therapy may also be beneficial in some patients. a pt Health physio therapist will assist with education about energy conservation techniques and specific strengthening exercises that may help effectively manage fibromyalgia symptoms.
The elbow is one of those areas that is easy to injure, whether it be from sitting at a desk all day or playing your favourite sport. Because elbow injury is most often linked to overuse, our physiotherapy team will work with you to reduce repeated strains during activity. When symptoms are from a particular sport or work activity, we will observe your style and motion with the activity. Our physiotherapist may suggest ways to protect the elbow during your activities. We also keep the collagen in your tendon from breaking down further. Our overall goal is to help your elbow injury heal as soon as possible. Call pt Health today to learn more about how we can help your specific injury.
Balance problems affect over 50% of all adults at some time. A pt Health physiotherapist is trained to treat dizziness and balance issues including: BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo): an individual feels the environment is moving around them (i.e. spinning). This is related to a dysfunction in the vestibular system. A pt Health physiotherapist can help treat this with a series of maneuvers and exercises that restore normal function for the vestibular system and help the patient regain balance. Your situation is unique. To learn more about how we can help your balance issues, consider scheduling a physiotherapy appointment today.
A concussion is known as a type of trauma, or injury, to the brain. In some cases it can result in additional symptoms, including neurological, physical, and emotional. At pt Health, we work with you to successfully recover from a concussion, through such techniques as vestibular rehabilitation, to help retrain the brain to recognize the signals from the vestibular system, proprioception, and vision to help with imbalance.
Acute injuries usually occur suddenly during activities. When you experience an acute injury there are things your pt Health physiotherapist can do to minimize tissue damage and protect from further injury. We help you to manage and recover from your injury sooner. Chronic pain is a broad category that includes many common conditions that affect the soft tissues of the body. At pt Health many nonsurgical treatment approaches are used by our rehabilitation team to reduce the symptoms of chronic pain. Our physiotherapy team gathers detailed information and will evaluate your condition closely. The answers you give along with the results of the examination will guide us in tailoring a unique treatment program that is right for you.
The main focus of our treatment is to reduce or eliminate the cause of pressure in the carpal tunnel. We may provide suggestions about the use of healthy body alignment and wrist positions, helpful exercises, and tips on how to prevent future problems. Our physiotherapist may also begin treatments to reduce inflammation and to encourage normal gliding of the tendons and median nerve within the carpal tunnel. Although time required for recovery is different for every patient, as a general rule, you may see improvement in as little as four weeks. Your situation is unique. To learn more about how we can help your specific carpal tunnel injury, consider booking a physiotherapy appointment at a clinic near you.
Car accident rehabilitation is a specialized type of physiotherapy with a focus on collaboration between pt Health rehab professionals. Our ultimate goal is to fully return you to the physical state that you were in the minute before your car accident occurred. Car accident therapy often requires the care of more than one health care provider and may involve blending such treatments as physiotherapy and massage therapy, for example. Your situation is unique. To learn more about how we can help your specific injury, consider scheduling a no obligation appointment today. Learn more about our physio treatment approach to auto accident whiplash.
Non infected bursitis can be treated effectively. Our physio team will apply advanced therapy techniques to help reduce the inflammatory process of bursitis. Electrotherapy, such as ultrasound or shortwave diathermy can also help greatly. Your situation is unique, and so should your treatment be. To learn more about how we can help your bursitis pain, consider scheduling a no obligation physiotherapy appointment today.
Our physiotherapy team designs programs to address a particular back condition and to help you prevent future back pain problems from reoccurring. Physiotherapy treatments focus first on relieving pain, improving your back movement, and fostering healthy posture. There is a great deal of scientific evidence that physiotherapy is beneficial for back pain. pt Health physio clinics are evidence based and use the most current research when developing your treatment plan. We treat: piriformis syndrome, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, disc herniation among other conditions. To learn more about how we can help your specific back injury, consider scheduling a no obligation appointment today.
Unfortunately there is no cure for osteoarthritis. Arthritis is a chronic but very treatable disease. Our physiotherapist's goals are to relieve your pain and to improve or maintain movement of affected joints. Our treatment for OA involves no prescriptions. Our rehab team will provide several options to help manage your symptoms effectively. To learn more about how we can help your specific OA pain, consider scheduling a no obligation physiotherapy appointment today.
If you are experiencing pain from an ankle injury it is important that you get the correct form of treatment. If your ankle injury is not given the proper attention and healed completely, you run the risk of it occurring again or developing a chronic condition.Our approach to physiotherapy starts first by helping you understand your ankle injury as well as implement the necessary rehabilitation steps and bracing (when applicable)that can help correct your ankle problem.To learn more about how we can help your specific ankle injury, consider scheduling a no obligation physio appointment today.

Who is pt Health


With over 230 locations, pt Health is one of the fastest growing physio and integrated health and wellness companies in Dartmouth and across Canada. For years, we’ve delivered a wide range of health services to Dartmouth residents and we would like to do the same for you. Call or email to book a convenient no-obligation appointment today.

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