exercises to build your strength for running season

4 exercises to build your strength for running season

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

Note: You should consult a healthcare professional before starting this or any exercise program to make sure the movements are right for your needs. Outdoor running season has arrived and you’ve done your best to prepare for running season but you’re still worried you will experience low back pain with running. If you find yourself dealing with low back pain while running, it may be attributed …

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Self-care tips to reduce shin pain

Self-care tips to reduce shin pain

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

You might think that shin pain happens to runners, but this issue can happen to anyone who has recently intensified their level of physical activity. Shin pain, also known as “shin splints”, is a condition caused by inflammation of the tibialis posterior muscle. This muscle runs along the front and inside of the tibia, or “shin bone”. How does the tibialis posterior muscle connect …

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shockwave therapy

What is shockwave therapy?

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves creating a series of low energy acoustic wave pulsations that are directly applied to an affected area through a person’s skin via a gel medium.  It is used in the treatment of many musculoskeletal conditions, primarily those involving connective tissues such as ligaments and tendons. How can shockwave therapy help? Shockwave therapy …

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tips to help you feeling refreshed

5 tips to help you start your day feeling refreshed

pt HealthOccupational Therapy

The start of the week can be stressful for many. Between returning to work and trying to accomplish all you have to do during the day, the stress and anxiety of it all can catch up to us when we least expect it. If you feel anxious, you might be asking yourself ‘how do I cope?’ First, it is important …

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Banish the neck hump: exercises to improve pain and posture

pt HealthExercises, Physiotherapy

Neck hump or hunchback are terms used for a condition properly called kyphosis. This postural change, which results in the appearance of a hump at the base of the neck can be uncomfortable, cause pain and affect overall physical functioning. Poor posture is the main cause, (think “text neck” or forward head posture) and leads to weakness and elongation of …

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Tips to help you clear up brain fog

Sarah MacdonaldOccupational Therapy

Have you ever felt like your mind is clouded and not as sharp as it used to be? You might be experiencing brain fog. Brain fog is a common term used to describe how people feel when their thinking is sluggish and unclear. What is brain fog? Brain fog affects your ability to think. You might find it more difficult …

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How to get ready for ski season

pt HealthPhysiotherapy, Sports Physiotherapy

If you love skiing or snowboarding, you’re probably ecstatic to see snow show up in the weather forecast. Snow sports are a great way to stay fit during the winter months, stave off the seasonal blues and enjoy the great outdoors. However, like any sport, skiing and snowboarding come with a risk of injury. Here are five simple tips to …

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Toilet habits to protect your pelvic floor

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

Chances are, you don’t think too much about using the bathroom! More than likely, you’ve just gone when you need to, without much thought, unless a bladder or bowel issue comes up. Your pelvic floor plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. From supporting your organs to aiding in bladder and bowel control, these muscles have very …

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Heat or ice, which should you use?

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

If you’ve ever wondered whether you should apply heat or ice to alleviate muscle soreness, check out this heat vs ice reference guide. It demonstrates how ice and heat work to ease discomfort, how they can be applied safely and when to use them. Click on the image below to access the downloadable guide! Additional tips for using heat and …

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